San Francisco workshop message-2012.7

Dear Friends:

It was my great honor and pleasure to be invited as a Goreisha at the Shintaido International event held at California State University in Sonoma, California Tuesday, July 3 through Friday, July 6.

All of my appreciation goes to those who made this event happen!

Now the time has come for our 6 Monday Meditation classes in San Francisco – part of the Life Exercise Program.

I would like to start our first class on Monday evening, July 30, with the Shintaido “ritual” that I led at the 4th practice of the Shintaido International. Using Tenshingoso ‘O’ & ‘Um,’ I will invite everyone to connect with both nature and the wisdom of humankind.

Thank you for your participation in the Life Exercise program and for helping me develop variations of Tenshingoso on folding chairs. I believe this will help us expand our imaginations to experience Unification of Self & Ten/Universe – allowing us to go beyond time/space/energy!


A Summer Series of 6 Monday Life Exercise Classes
at the Day Street Dojo
in 2012
Please mark the following dates on your calendar, and join us for class!
July 30
August 6
August 13
August 20
August 27
September 3

A Healing Cycle
Choshin – Chosoku – Choshin
(body conditioning) – (breathing) – (connection to others)
Release tension from your shoulders, and your breathing quiets
As your breath becomes quiet, your mind calms
As your mind and body become calm, your breathing deepens
As your breath deepens, your consideration of others improves
As your Ki energy reaches others, the people around you become more
relaxed in your presence

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