Taimyo essays

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Lecture (in Japanese) – 2002.10.19

合宿の課題図書「日本人とグローバリゼーション」(河合隼雄・石井米雄著)をもとにした、みなさんのディスカションを興味深く聞かせてもらいました。 Continue


Facing Death, Part II

Monday, May 13 1996, around 4:40 pm, Bill Peterson died in my arms.


Poem of WWII survivor (in Japanese)


Give the world the best you have’ – Mother Theresa

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.


A Healing Cycle

Choshin – Chosoku – Choshin

(body conditioning) – (breathing) – (connection to others)


The Criticality of Timing and Intention-2010

in Conflict Resolution, Peacemaking and the Martial Arts

For the general public, the impression of martial arts often involves a physical conflict between two or more people.


Timing Practice: Morning and Evening Reflections

*please read the Timing article before reviewing this practice
I think good timing is an essential element of peace‐making. We can use A timing to avoid unnecessary conflict.


Kenkain Hoko – Flower Walking

Just recently I read a book with a conversation between Kiyoshi Oka (a well‐known mathematician) and Hideo Kobayashi (an art critic). Hideo Kobayashi asked Kiyoshi Oka what the number one meant to him, thinking he would talk about mathematics.


What is peace, to you?

Greeting from Maslives, France!

911 has come again…Continue

The Seven Teachings of Water

The Seven Teachings of Water by Kanbei Kuroda


Heart Sutra and Meditation – Shin-Ichi Matsuyama, 2015

The Heart Sutra (Hanya Shingyo in Japanese) can be seen as a meditation guide.
